Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Godly Home


"Understand the different tempers of your inferiors (not inferior in value or importance, but subordinate to another's authority), and deal with them as they are and as they can bear, and not with all alike. Some are more intelligent and some less so. Some are tender, and some have more hardened, impudent dispositions. Some will be best wrought upon by love and gentleness; and some have need of sharpness and severity. Prudence must fit your dealings to their dispositions."

"If you do not prudently diversify your rebukes according to their faults, you will harden them and miss your ends..."

"Be a good husband to your wife and a good father to your to your children, and let love have dominion in your governing, that your inferiors may easily find that it is in their interest to obey you."

 -Richard Baxter, "The Godly Home"